Personal Details
Nick name:
Register As:
Marital Status:
Living Together
Seeking for:
Female, Couple,
Current Location:
We are a down to earth couple that enjoy playing and watching eachother play. Living, working and raising our children in Cairns.

We are easy going and kinda unique, when we play we regard each other as 'single', we dont mean playing alone without the other, just we don't require the other's approval to do something. We are yet to be the ones to say no to an activity once things get moving.
Looking for
Anyone from newbies to well seasoned playmates that are straight up about what they are doing.

If you are looking for people easy to get along with and still horny enough to at a moments notice part your legs and go down and enjoy ..... contact us ;)


The "Aged Between" is there for a reason!

MEN: Single/Attached
We can find single male playmates anywhere, anytime.

We have NOT ticked the box "Men" please do not bother.
There is usually a good reason you are single.

